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Kredit: OTP Bank (Ukraine), 2, 9.2008


Public Joint Stock Company OTP Bank is one of the largest domestic banks, the recognized leader of Ukraine's financial sector. Represented in the Ukrainian market since 1998, OTP Bank enjoys sound reputation for being socially responsible, reliable and sustainable financial institution providing its consumers with services of European quality standards. 1998 March– Raiffeisenbank Ukraine was founded as a bank with 100% foreign capital. 2001– the bank entered Top-10 of the largest banks of Ukraine. 2006– OTP Bank Plc., leader of the Hungarian banking market with market share of almost 25%, became a hundred-percent owner of the bank. The bank was renamed to OTP Bank (OTP Bank JSC). Except Hungary, OTP Bank Plc. operates through its subsidiary banks in eight CEE countries (Ukraine, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Russia and Montenegro). OTP Group provides high quality financial solutions to meet the needs of nearly 12 million customers through almost 1500 branches Nowadays, OTP Bank JSC is captaining OTP financial group in Ukraine, which includes Asset Management Company OTP Capital LLC and OTP Leasing LLC. All OTP Group companies have been showing outstanding performance taking the leading positions in their segments.
  • Kreditnehmer
  • Sektor
  • Vollständiger Name des Kreditnehmers
    Public Joint-Stock Company OTP Bank
  • Branche

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800 000

Anleihen weltweit

Über 400


80 000


9 000


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Informationen zum Darlehen

  • Land
  • Status
  • Typ
  • Struktur
  • Volumen
    37.000.000 USD
  • Unterzeichnung
    September 2008
  • Fälligkeit
    September 2010
  • Zweck des Kredits
  • Besonderheiten des Kredits
    Zwischenfinanzierung, Islamischer Kredit, Mit der Beteiligung einer internationalen Organisation, Nachrangiges Darlehen, Klubkredit, Kredit in mehreren Währungen, Amortisierter Kredit, Abkommen mit ECA, ESG
  • Abwicklungsrate, %
  • Kreditverlängerung
  • Erhöhung des Darlehensbetrags
  • Informationen über die zusätzliche Tranche
  • Zweck des Kredits (mehr)
  • Änderungen der Darlehensbedingungen
  • Sicherheit und Garantien
  • Zusätzliche Informationen

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