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Kredit: International Investment Bank, 05.2016



International Investment Bank is a multilateral institution for development, which assists in social and economic development, growth of people's well-being, and economic cooperation of the member-states. The main directions of its activities are the support of the small and medium-sized business as well as participation in financing socially significant infrastructure projects. The Bank grants loans primarily through the leading national financial institutions with the participation of the state, development banks, export and import banks and agencies; or it lends in partnership with other international institutions for development. The Bank was founded and functions on the basis of the intergovernmental Agreement stating the foundation of the International Investment Bank and its Statutes. The Agreement was signed by the member-states of the Bank on June 10 1970, and it was registered in the Secretariat of the United Nations Organization under the number 11417. The Council of the Bank is the highest body of the Bank's administration. The Council consists of the representatives of IIB's member-states. The Board is the executive organ of the Bank, the members of which are appointed by the Council.Audit of the activities of the Bank is carried out by the Audit Commission, which consists of the representatives of IIB's member-states who are appointed by the Council. The Bank is an international intergovernmental organization, which presupposes its tax-free status, specific conditions of banking regulation as well as the support of the government bodies of the member-states. The members of the Bank are Republic of Bulgaria, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Republic of Cuba, Mongolia, Russian Federation, Romania, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Hungary. The headquarters of the Bank are in Moscow.

  • Kreditnehmer
  • Sektor
  • Vollständiger Name des Kreditnehmers
    International Investment Bank
  • Branche

Entdecken Sie die umfangreichste Datenbank

800 000

Anleihen weltweit

Über 400


80 000


9 000


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Informationen zum Darlehen

  • Land
  • Status
  • Typ
  • Struktur
  • Volumen
    60.000.000 EUR
  • Unterzeichnung
    Mai 2016
  • Fälligkeit
    Mai 2018
  • Zweck des Kredits
  • Besonderheiten des Kredits
    Zwischenfinanzierung, Islamischer Kredit, Mit der Beteiligung einer internationalen Organisation, Nachrangiges Darlehen, Klubkredit, Kredit in mehreren Währungen, Amortisierter Kredit, Abkommen mit ECA, ESG
  • Abwicklungsrate, %
  • Kreditverlängerung
  • Erhöhung des Darlehensbetrags
  • Informationen über die zusätzliche Tranche
  • Zweck des Kredits (mehr)
  • Änderungen der Darlehensbedingungen
  • Sicherheit und Garantien
  • Zusätzliche Informationen

Anleihen und Eurobonds vom Kreditnehmer



  • Führende Arrangeure
  • Andere Mitglieder des Konsortiums
  • Anteile und Vergütung
  • Investmentbanken und andere Agenten

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