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Kredit: Yug Rusi, В, 4.2007


The group of companies “Yug Rusi” is a vertically integrated holding which combines all the technological constituents of manufacturing: from growing raw materials to supply of finished goods to consumers. This arrangement allows actually controlling the quality of goods at all stages. Due to this fact sunflower oil “Golden seed” that is produced by the agroholding “Yug Rusi” is the sales leader in Russia and is gaining recognition in the countries where great attention is paid to quality and healthy food. In 2003 at the international exhibition “The World oils” in Paris sunflower oil “Golden seed” was awarded a silver medal preceded only by the hosts of the exhibition. The oil produced by agro-industrial holding “Yug Rusi” without exaggeration is one of the best in the world. At present “Yug Rusi” holding operates on more than 200 000 hectares of fertile land which accounts for nearly 12% of the entire arable land of such a country as Netherlands.
  • Kreditnehmer
  • Sektor
  • Vollständiger Name des Kreditnehmers
    The group of companies “Yug Rusi”
  • Branche

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800 000

Anleihen weltweit

Über 400


80 000


9 000


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Informationen zum Darlehen

  • Land
  • Status
  • Typ
  • Struktur
  • Volumen
    93.000.000 USD
  • Unterzeichnung
    April 2007
  • Fälligkeit
    April 2012
  • Zweck des Kredits
  • Besonderheiten des Kredits
    Zwischenfinanzierung, Islamischer Kredit, Mit der Beteiligung einer internationalen Organisation, Nachrangiges Darlehen, Klubkredit, Kredit in mehreren Währungen, Amortisierter Kredit, Abkommen mit ECA, ESG
  • Abwicklungsrate, %
  • Kreditverlängerung
  • Erhöhung des Darlehensbetrags
  • Informationen über die zusätzliche Tranche
  • Zweck des Kredits (mehr)
  • Änderungen der Darlehensbedingungen
  • Sicherheit und Garantien
  • Zusätzliche Informationen



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  • Investmentbanken und andere Agenten

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