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Unternehmen: Capital Impact Partners

Capital Impact Partners
Name des Landes
Vereinigte Staaten
Vereinigte Staaten
Andere Finanzinstitute
2.397 Mio. USD

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800 000

Anleihen weltweit

Über 400


80 000


9 000


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Die von Informationsanbietern bereitgestellten Kurse haben indikativen Charakter


Capital Impact Partners, a nonprofit community development financial institution, provides strategic financing services in the United States. The company offers acquisition loans to purchase land and buildings; bridge loans to bridge grant funding or tax-credit equity investment; construction loans to finance ground-up construction and renovation projects; pre-development loans for feasibility planning, architectural drawings, and other early needs; and tenant improvement loans to finance renovation at a leased facility. It also provides term loans to take out construction loans or leverage new market tax credit transactions; equipment loans to purchase equipment; working capital loans to finance operating cash flow needs; and leverage government programs, such as new markets tax credit program and federally guaranteed program for projects in underserved communities. In addition, the company offers loan funds through financial and social innovators in health care, education, healthy food, housing, aging, and cooperative development sectors. Further, it provides other financial and support services, including financial analysis, real estate development tools, and training; and technical assistance services for long-term care providers, housing developers, and community development corporations, as well as federal, state, and local agencies. The company serves housing, consumer, and worker, as well as business cooperatives and cooperative-like entities serving low income people; and newer and less established organizations. Capital Impact Partners was founded in 1982 and is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.




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