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Unternehmen: Law Debenture

Law Debenture Trust Company of New York
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800 000

Anleihen weltweit

Über 400


80 000


9 000


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Die von Informationsanbietern bereitgestellten Kurse haben indikativen Charakter


Law Debenture Trust Company of New York provides a variety of corporate trust and related services in the United States, serving public and private companies, sovereigns, investment banks, law firms and individuals.
Chartered by the New York State Department of Banking in May 2002, Law Debenture Trust of New York focuses on trust and agency work. In doing so, it is free of conflicts that often arise from providing lending, investment banking or underwriting services.
The Trust Company also specializes in one-off transactions from full liquidation trust distributions, to special unique assignments when other traditional larger trust banks are reluctant to do so.
In this ever changing market, Law Debenture Trust Company of New York works closely with legal and financial experts who know the business and partner with us to provide the best service possible. With their help, we initiate transactions that are often at the forefront of financial and legal engineering. Working with these experts allows us to create innovative input and put into practice original structures. Once these structures are in place, they may need to be moved quickly and where necessary, modifications made; such as when cashflows falter, ratings dip and borrowing costs rise. This is where our experts step in, restructure, re-
schedule and help drive work-outs. Law Debenture acts in the following capacities:
• Corporate Trustee
• Seperate Trustee
• International Financings
• Project Finance and Administrative Agent
• Escrow Arrangements

• Default, Successor Trustee and Liquidating Trustee
• Collateral and Paying Agent


Beteiligung an Transaktionen

Alle Anleihen Cbonds Ranglisten



Anleihenschuld nach Währung


  • SIC
    6726 Investment offices

Kredit- und ESG-Ratings


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