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Kredit: Wissol Petroleum, А, 06.2014


Wissol Petroleum is a daughter brand of one of the biggest commercial groups in Georgia - Wissol Group. Georgian oil company operating the widest network of service stations in the country runs over 100 petroleum stations nowadays providing services and products in every district of Tbilisi and elsewhere in the country. Further development of network is underway.Established in 2000, the company completed its process of re-branding in 2005 and entered the market with the name Wissol. Today J.S.C. Wissol Petroleum Georgia is a leader in the retail oil product market in Georgia. In addition to individual customers, more than 6000 corporate clients use Wissol's services. The company imports the Italian fuel from api and petroleum products from other European counties as well. In 2010 Wissol Petroleum signed an agreement with Total, one of the world's major oil and gas groups based in France and became an exclusive importer of automobile oils and lubricants of Total in Georgia. The company pioneered the Wissol Business Card for the company’s corporate clients to the Georgian market in 2001 and remains the only company in the sector providing such a system based on smart technology and in-house developed software. Compressed natural gas (CNG) is available at Wissol since September, 2007. JSC Wissol petroleum Georgia is the only oil company that pioneered the integrated service stations on the Georgian market.
  • Kreditnehmer
  • Sektor
  • Vollständiger Name des Kreditnehmers
    JSC "Wissol Petroleum Georgia"
  • Branche
    Öl- und Gasindustrie

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Informationen zum Darlehen

  • Land
  • Status
  • Typ
  • Struktur
  • Volumen
    40.000.000 USD
  • Unterzeichnung
    Juni 2014
  • Fälligkeit
    Juli 2019
  • Zweck des Kredits
  • Besonderheiten des Kredits
    Zwischenfinanzierung, Islamischer Kredit, Mit der Beteiligung einer internationalen Organisation, Nachrangiges Darlehen, Klubkredit, Kredit in mehreren Währungen, Amortisierter Kredit, Abkommen mit ECA, ESG
  • Abwicklungsrate, %
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  • Zweck des Kredits (mehr)
  • Änderungen der Darlehensbedingungen
  • Sicherheit und Garantien
  • Zusätzliche Informationen



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