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SABESP, ordinary share

SABESP, Land — Brasilien
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«Informationsquelle – "Moskauer Börse". Die Erweiterung von Börseinformationen ist ohne vorherige Abklärung mit der "Moskauer Börse"verboten.
«Informationsquelle – "Moskauer Börse". Die Erweiterung von Börseinformationen ist ohne vorherige Abklärung mit der "Moskauer Börse"verboten.
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Companhia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo-SABESP is a mixed capital company, majority-owned by the State of Sao Paulo. Sabesp is a water and sewage services provider. As of July 30, 2010, Sabesp provided ...
Companhia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo-SABESP is a mixed capital company, majority-owned by the State of Sao Paulo. Sabesp is a water and sewage services provider. As of July 30, 2010, Sabesp provided water and sewage services in 365 of the 645 municipalities in the State of Sao Paulo, serving 23.4 million people with water services, with a 100% of water coverage and 7.2 million water connections. It also provides sewage services to 19.7 million people and 5.6 million sewage connections. Sabesp also sells treated water on a wholesale basis to six municipalities with a total estimated population of 3.3 million people. Sabesp is allowed to operate outside the State of Sao Paulo and abroad, as well as to establish subsidiaries. It focuses on providing services, such as urban rainwater, drainage and management, urban cleaning and solid waste management, unrestricted operation of power generation, storage, conservation and energy activities.
  • Emittent
  • Voller Name des Kreditnehmers / Emittenten
    Companhia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo
  • Branche
    Wasser-, Wärme- und Gasversorgung

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