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Altus Group, ordinary share
CA02215R1073, AIF

Altus Group, Land — Kanada
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«Informationsquelle – "Moskauer Börse". Die Erweiterung von Börseinformationen ist ohne vorherige Abklärung mit der "Moskauer Börse"verboten.
«Informationsquelle – "Moskauer Börse". Die Erweiterung von Börseinformationen ist ohne vorherige Abklärung mit der "Moskauer Börse"verboten.
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Altus Group is a leading provider of independent advisory services, software, and data solutions to the global commercial real estate industry. All of our five core practices – Research, Valuation and Advisory, ARGUS Software, Property Tax ...
Altus Group is a leading provider of independent advisory services, software, and data solutions to the global commercial real estate industry. All of our five core practices – Research, Valuation and Advisory, ARGUS Software, Property Tax Consulting, Cost Consulting and Project Management, and Geomatics – embody and reflect decades of experience, a broad range of expertise and leading edge technology. Our offerings empower clients to analyze, gain insight and recognize value on their real estate investments. Headquartered in Canada, we have approximately 2,300 employees around the world, with operations in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Our clients include some of the world’s largest real estate industry participants, spread across a broad variety of sectors. Altus Group pays a quarterly dividend of $0.15 per share and our securities are traded on the TSX under the symbols AIF and AIF.DB.A.
  • Emittent
  • Voller Name des Kreditnehmers / Emittenten
    Altus Group Limited
  • Branche
    Sonstiges Baugewerbe

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