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Constellium, ordinary share
FR0013467479, 3OK

Constellium, Land — Niederlande
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«Informationsquelle – "Moskauer Börse". Die Erweiterung von Börseinformationen ist ohne vorherige Abklärung mit der "Moskauer Börse"verboten.
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Constellium is a global aluminium fabricator based in the Netherlands, with headquarters in Paris, France and Zurich, Switzerland. It was created when Rio Tinto sold off Alcan Engineered Products in 2011. Alcan Engineered Products was the ...
Constellium is a global aluminium fabricator based in the Netherlands, with headquarters in Paris, France and Zurich, Switzerland. It was created when Rio Tinto sold off Alcan Engineered Products in 2011. Alcan Engineered Products was the result of various mergers and acquisitions between French, Canadian, Swiss, British and Australian companies. Constellium is now owned by Apollo (51%), Rio Tinto (39%) and FSI (10%). Constellium manufactures aluminium rolled products and extrusions various alloys. It has customers in many different industries, including aerospace, transport, defense, packaging, building, industry, and solar/wind energy sectors. Its aluminium is also used in automobiles. Aluminium is also used in a number of household applications, such as beverage cans, foil and electrical wiring. Constellium supplies several defence contractors and its products are used in vessels deployed by the French navy. Constellium also supplies the aluminium structural components behind the Falcon 9 launcher NASA has chosen to resupply the international space station
  • Emittent
  • Voller Name des Kreditnehmers / Emittenten
    Constellium SE (formerly Constellium NV)
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