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China Evergrande Group, ordinary share
KYG2119W1069, 3333

China Evergrande Group, Land — China
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«Informationsquelle – "Moskauer Börse". Die Erweiterung von Börseinformationen ist ohne vorherige Abklärung mit der "Moskauer Börse"verboten.
«Informationsquelle – "Moskauer Börse". Die Erweiterung von Börseinformationen ist ohne vorherige Abklärung mit der "Moskauer Börse"verboten.
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Evergrande Group is a technology-enabled company included in the Fortune Global 500 list, setting its foothold in real estate for people's well-being and taking cultural tourism and health care as two pillars. Evergrande Group has accumulated ...
Evergrande Group is a technology-enabled company included in the Fortune Global 500 list, setting its foothold in real estate for people's well-being and taking cultural tourism and health care as two pillars. Evergrande Group has accumulated total assets of RMB 1.77 trillion and achieved annual sales of RMB 550 billion, paying over RMB 185 billion in taxes and donating over RMB 10 billion to charity. It has 140,000 employees and creates more than 2.6 million jobs every year, ranking 230th in the Fortune Global 500 list.
  • Emittent
  • Voller Name des Kreditnehmers / Emittenten
    China Evergrande Group
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