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ENN Energy Holdings, depositary receipt
US26876F1021, XGH0

ENN Energy Holdings, Land — China
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ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. is ENNs publicly-traded subsidiary and energy distribution arm. It was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2001 under the code 2688HK. ENN Energy supplies customers with clean burning fuels via ...
ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. is ENNs publicly-traded subsidiary and energy distribution arm. It was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2001 under the code 2688HK.
ENN Energy supplies customers with clean burning fuels via its 15,000-kilometer gas pipeline network and more than 170 re-fueling stations. The company laid its first gas pipelines in 1992 and now primarily supplies energy management services and distributes natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and other clean-burning fuels. It can deliver up to 22.71 million cubic meters of natural gas a day.
  • Emittent
  • Voller Name des Kreditnehmers / Emittenten
    ENN Energy Holdings Limited
  • Branche
    Wasser-, Wärme- und Gasversorgung
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