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Internationale Anleihen: Qatari Diar, 5.0% 21jul2020, USD (XS0527351653)

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2.500.000.000 USD
Fälligkeit (Option)
*** (-)
Stückzinsen auf
Land des Risikos
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Rendite / Duration
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Rechner Was kann der Rechner?
  • Platzierungsvolumen
    2.500.000.000 USD
  • Ausstehendes Volumen
    2.500.000.000 USD
  • Kleinste handelbare Einheit
    100.000 USD
  • ISIN RegS
  • Common Code RegS
  • CFI RegS
  • FIGI RegS
  • Ticker
    QATDIA 5 07/21/20 REGS

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800 000

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80 000


9 000


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Informationen zur Anleihe

Qatari Diar is the organisation entrusted with realising our country’s vision for a beautiful built environment, new sustainable communities and developments which catch the imagination of a world audience. We are a major player in Qatar’s emergence ...
Qatari Diar is the organisation entrusted with realising our country’s vision for a beautiful built environment, new sustainable communities and developments which catch the imagination of a world audience. We are a major player in Qatar’s emergence as a vibrant investment, commercial, cultural and social community. We are the region’s most influential and innovative real estate investment company – a master developer and planner whose mission is to promote a better quality of life by creating distinguished legacy developments, planned, built and managed to internationally recognised standards. Qatari Diar is fully owned by the Qatar Investment Authority and was founded to support Qatar’s rapidly expanding economy and to provide structure and quality control for the country’s real estate development priorities. Our company is an innovator and instigator and our unique position as an arm of the Government has attracted blue-chip international partners to its projects. Capitalized at US$1 billion, we have the investment resources to be truly innovative and forward-thinking. The company is founded on the world’s best-practice project management disciplines, enabling us to impact on the built environment to enrich and enhance the quality of life of the communities we serve. Although only launched in March 2005, the company currently has 18 projects underway. Qatari Diar is building signature projects and facilitating vibrant, new communities on an unprecedented scale. These range from our involvement with affordable housing schemes with joint-venture partner, Barwa, to the new Doha Convention Centre and Tower, a new landmark on the Doha skyline, the Ras Al-Hadd eco-tourism resort in Oman and the giant Lusail project in Qatar. We are determined that our projects will have a significant impact and influence on the way we live around the world, for the enhancement of the planet and its environment and for the long term benefit for the people who live in our communities. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
  • Kreditnehmer
    Zur Emittenten-Seite wechseln
    Qatari Diar
  • Voller Name des Kreditnehmers / Emittenten
    Qatari Diar
  • Sektor
  • Branche
    Andere Finanzinstitute
  • SPV / Emittent
  • Platzierungsvolumen
    2.500.000.000 USD
  • Ausstehendes Volumen
    2.500.000.000 USD
  • Kleinste handelbare Einheit
    100.000 USD
  • Ausstehender Nennbetrag
    *** USD
  • Stückelung
    *** USD
  • Nennbetrag
    1.000 USD
  • Börsennotierung


  • Referenzzinssatz
  • Kupon
  • Zinsberechnungsmethode
  • Verzinsungsbeginn
  • Kuponzahlungsfrequenz
    *** mal pro Jahr
  • Bezahlt in
  • Fälligkeit


Alle Berechnungen für internationale Anleihen basieren auf der kleinsten handelbaren Einheit

Konditionen der vorzeitigen Tilgung


Entdecken Sie die umfangreichste Datenbank

800 000

Anleihen weltweit

Über 400


80 000


9 000


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  • Platzierungsart
    Öffentliches Angebot
  • Platzierung
  • Erstausgabepreis (Rendite)
  • Nachfrage
    *** USD
  • Geographische Verteilung
  • Aufgliederung der Investoren
  • Zweck der Platzierung
    The net proceeds received by the Issuer from the issue of the Bonds are expected to amount to approximately US$349 billion, after deduction of the Managers’ management and underwriting commission and certain expenses payable by the Issuer related to the offering of the Bonds The Issuer will provide the net proceeds from the issue of the Bonds to Barwa City pursuant to the Islamic Finance Transaction Documents and Barwa City will, in turn, enter into the Qard Transactions with Barwa Financial District and Barwa Commercial Avenue Pursuant to the Islamic Finance Transaction and the Qard Transactions, the net proceeds from the issue of the Bonds will be used to finance the real estate projects in Qatar undertaken by the Barwa Project Subsidiaries, including future anticipated capital expenditures and repayment of certain indebtedness and other liabilities previously incurred by Barwa and the Barwa Project Subsidiaries in connection with the Barwa Project Subsidiaries’ projects See “Description of the Issuer and Related Matters—Barwa and the Barwa Project Subsidiaries—Barwa Project Subsidiaries” The Issuer is an Article 68 private shareholding company duly registered under the laws of Qatar with registration number 46322 The Issuer was incorporated on June 21, 2010 and the term of the Issuer is 99 years from the date of its incorporation The Issuer is wholly owned by Diar which, in turn, is wholly owned by the QIA, an agency of the State The head office of the Issuer is Lusail, P O Box 23175 Doha, Qatar The Issuer’s phone number is +974 4974 444
  • Arrangeur
    ***, ***, ***, ***, ***
  • Verwahrer
    ***, ***, ***
  • Zahlstelle

Wandelung und Austausch

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Zusätzliche Informationen

Letzte Anleihen


  • ISIN RegS
  • Cbonds ID
  • ISIN 144A
  • CUSIP RegS
  • CUSIP 144A
  • Common Code RegS
  • Common Code 144A
  • CFI RegS
  • CFI 144A
  • FIGI RegS
  • FIGI 144A
  • WKN RegS
  • WKN 144A
  • Ticker
    QATDIA 5 07/21/20 REGS
  • Wertpapier-Typ gemäß der CBR



  • Rang: Undefined
  • Registered
  • Kuponanleihen
  • Tilgungsanleihen
  • Vom Emittenten kündbar
  • CDO
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  • Inflationsgebundener Nennbetrag
  • Supranationale Anleihen
  • Inflationsgebundener Kupon
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  • Payment-in-kind
  • Nicht öffentliche Anleihen
  • Redemption Linked
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  • Gedeckte Anleihen
  • Verbriefung
  • Strukturierte Produkte
  • Kommerzielle Anleihen
  • Untergeordnete Anleihen
  • Sukuk
  • Trace-eligible



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