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World JPMorgan Global Manufacturing PMI (SA Monthly)

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50,3% auf 29/02/2024
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Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) is an index summarized and compiled through the results of the survey of enterprises purchasing managers. It is one of the leading indices which was commonly adopted by international society to monitor the macroeconomic trends, and played an important role in forecasting and monitoring. It covers every links of the enterprises, including output, new orders, new export orders, backlogs of work, output prices, input prices, suppliers’ delivery times, stocks of finished goods, quantity of purchases, stocks of purchases, employment, future output.. PMI sub-indices are the so-called diffusion indices, which are calculated based on the question on specific aspect of the enterprise’s activities. Diffusion indices are calculated as follows: SUBINDEX = (Percentage of survey respondents reporting "higher\better") *1.0 + (Percentage of survey respondents reporting "the same")*0.5. PMI is a weighted average of diffusion indices from survey questions. The index assumes a value from 0 to 100. The threshold of PMI is usually using 50 as the cut-off point for economic performance. If PMI above 50 it reflects the overall economy is expanding; if less than 50 it reflects the overall economy is in recession.

Anleihenliste zur Index-Berechnung

Zusammensetzung der Indexliste

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Indizes der Untergruppe

Index Aktueller Wert Datum
Australia Manufacturing PMI 49,6 Points 31/05/2024
Austria Manufacturing PMI 43,5 Points 30/04/2024
Brazil Manufacturing PMI 55,9 Points 30/04/2024
Canada Manufacturing PMI 49,4 Points 30/04/2024
China Caixin Manufacturing PMI (SA Monthly) 51,4 Points 30/04/2024
Colombia Davivienda Manufacturing PMI 49,2 Points 30/04/2024
Czech Republic Manufacturing PMI 44,7 Points 30/04/2024
Denmark Manufacturing PMI 45,68 Points 31/05/2023
Egypt Non-Oil Private Sector PMI 47,4 Points 30/04/2024
Emerging Markets Manufacturing PMI (SA Monthly) 52 % 31/03/2024
Euro Area Manufacturing PMI 47,4 Points 31/05/2024
France Manufacturing PMI 46,7 Points 31/05/2024
Germany Manufacturing PMI 45,4 Points 31/05/2024
Greece Manufacturing PMI 55,2 Points 30/04/2024
Hong Kong Private Sector PMI 50,6 Points 30/04/2024
Hungary Manufacturing PMI 51,8 Points 30/04/2024
India Manufacturing PMI 58,4 Points 31/05/2024
Indonesia Manufacturing PMI 52,9 Points 30/04/2024
Ireland Manufacturing PMI 47,6 Points 30/04/2024
Israel Manufacturing Pmi 50,9 Points 30/04/2024
Italy Manufacturing PMI 47,3 Points 30/04/2024
Japan Manufacturing PMI 50,5 Points 31/05/2024
Kazakhstan Manufacturing Pmi 51,5 Points 30/04/2024
Kenya CfC Stanbic Bank PMI 50,1 Points 30/04/2024
Lebanon PMI 48,9 Points 30/04/2024
Malaysia Manufacturing Pmi 49 Points 30/04/2024
Mexico Manufacturing PMI 51 Points 30/04/2024
Myanmar Manufacturing PMI 49,9 Points 30/04/2024
Netherlands NEVI Manufacturing PMI 51,3 Points 30/04/2024
New Zealand Manufacturing PMI 48,9 Points 30/04/2024
Nigeria Manufacturing PMI 42,8 Points 31/08/2023
Norway Manufacturing PMI 52,4 Points 30/04/2024
Philippines Manufacturing PMI 52,2 Points 30/04/2024
Poland Manufacturing PMI 45,9 Points 30/04/2024
Puerto Rico Manufacturing Pmi 54,2 Points 31/03/2024
Qatar Non-Oil Private Sector PMI 50,6 Points 31/03/2024
Russia Manufacturing PMI 54,3 Points 30/04/2024
Saudi Arabia Non-Oil Private Sector PMI 57 Points 30/04/2024
Singapore Manufacturing PMI 50,5 Points 30/04/2024
South Africa Manufacturing PMI 54 Points 30/04/2024
South Korea Manufacturing PMI (SA Monthly) 49,4 Points 30/04/2024
Spain Manufacturing PMI 52,2 Points 30/04/2024
Sri Lanka Manufacturing PMI 42 Points 30/04/2024
Sweden Manufacturing PMI 51,4 Points 30/04/2024
Switzerland Manufacturing PMI 41,4 Points 30/04/2024
Taiwan Manufacturing PMI 50,2 Points 30/04/2024
Thailand Manufacturing Pmi 48,6 Points 30/04/2024
Turkey Manufacturing PMI 49,3 Points 30/04/2024
United Arab Emirates Non-Oil Private Sector PMI 55,3 Points 30/04/2024
United Kingdom Manufacturing PMI 51,3 Points 31/05/2024
United States Manufacturing PMI 50,9 Points 31/05/2024
Vietnam Manufacturing PMI 50,3 Points 30/04/2024
World JPMorgan Global Manufacturing PMI (SA Monthly) 50,6 % 31/03/2024
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